Space to expand
Industrial Development
We’re attracting the world’s top companies
Our Goals for Industrial Growth
Eagle Mountain City is actively looking to attract high-tech industrial companies. Just as we are a new city that strives to push the envelope with innovation and creativity, we would like to invite companies developing state-of-the-art products and facilities to consider Eagle Mountain as your new home.
Industries of Focus
- High Tech Manufacturing
- Aerospace, Defense, or Cyber Development / Manufacturing
- Life Science Development / Manufacturing
Utah County’s labor force in 2024 is 353,000 strong, offering a diverse and skilled talent pool.
With a median age of 25, Utah County boasts a youthful and dynamic population.
40% of Utah County residents hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, providing an educated workforce.
Robust infrastructure with 345kv electric transmission access for high-capacity energy needs.
Companies doing business in eagle Mountain
Up-to-date information
Eagle Mountain Demographics
Don’t miss opportunities because you relied on inaccurate and outdated information. Eagle Mountain is changing fast. See basic demographic information below or click on the button to view a report that we think you’ll find helpful for the retail scene.
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Infrastructure to Meet Your Needs
Eagle Mountain City sources water from several wells in addition to water pumped from the Central Utah Project. The City has engaged in several innovative projects and practices to be efficient with this precious resource. View the Economic Development Dashboard to see locations of major water infrastructure. Additional detail available upon request.
Water treatment is handled by the 2.4 mgd Eagle Mountain Wastewater Treatment facility and additional capacity through the Timpanogos Special Service District (TSSD). Eagle Mountain has proactively obtained land and is planning for additional capacity and capabilities for wastewater treatment. View the Economic Development Dashboard to see locations of major sewer infrastructure. Additional detail available upon request.
Through Rocky Mountain Power, a subsidiary of Pacificorp, a Berkshire Hathaway company, Eagle Mountain has access to significant electric resources. 345kv lines run through Eagle Mountain, and several additional 345kv lines are in planning. Private investments made through the data center projects underway in Eagle Mountain have aided in access to new, high-capacity electrical infrastructure.
As a new city, Eagle Mountain City is fortunate to already have gigabit+ fiber internet city-wide. Additionally, backbone fiber hauls run directly under the city.
Eagle Mountain City is investing heavily in the construction of new roadways or expanding current roadways. Our partners at UDOT and MAG (Mountainland Association of Governments) are also assisting Eagle Mountain with regional road projects that will result in nearby freeway access for most of the city soon.
assistance & incentives
RTI Overlay Zone
What is the RTI Overlay Zone?
The Overlay Zone has been applied to two major sites in the city known as Pole Canyon and Eagle Mountain Properties. It opens a special approval process for qualifying businesses. It does this by making the areas less regulated and employing more development-friendly standards.
Who is Eligible?
Projects that will include at least 100 or more permanent jobs after construction, or at least 100,000 sq. ft. of building floor area in a building or buildings within a single phase of development. Eligible industries include:
- Corporate campuses or offices
- Electronic data management businesses
- Laboratory and testing services (use of animal testing and experimentation is prohibited)
- Clean manufacturing businesses (no negative impact on air quality)
- Research and development use
- Warehouses
How Does It Work?
- Application: Project applicants shall submit a complete RTI Site Plan application.
- Development Review Committee (DRC): Upon receipt of a complete application, the DRC shall review all aspects of the application and provide the applicant with the required changes within five business days.
The DRC shall provide feedback or a final decision within five business days of each submittal or re-submittal and may approve the application, with conditions to be completed during construction or require re-submittal with changes prior to approval.
- Grading and Excavation: A permit for grading and excavation may be issued, at the applicant’s risk, prior to project approval by the DRC.
- Approval Authority: The DRC has final approval authority for RTI applications. No public hearings are required
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Tax Increment Financing
The Eagle Mountain Redevelopment Agency was formed to enable the capability of creating Community Reinvestment Areas (CRA) allowable per State of Utah law. These CRAs give the Eagle Mountain RDA the ability to engage in a common economic development practice of Tax Increment Financing (TIFs) to incentivize companies to locate their businesses or components of their businesses in Eagle Mountain. We have engaged in TIFs with several businesses which has resulted in significant investment in Eagle Mountain.
TIF arrangements usually involve the participation of other taxing entities. Taxing entities may include the School District, the County, Unified Fire Service Authority, and Central Utah Water Conservancy District. While each of these entities have their own policies and practices regarding participation in tax increment financing, historically, they have been supportive of Eagle Mountain’s efforts to attract new economic development opportunities.
Utah Technology Innovation Funding
Utah Technology Innovation Funding (UTIF) is a program to support Utah small companies in their efforts to develop novel technology and products through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Applicants and winners can apply for microgrants and non-recourse loans.
Economic Assistance Grant
The Economic Assistance Grant assists Utah businesses in promoting and supporting economic opportunities in the state. It also provides services related to industry, education, community development, or infrastructure.
Artificial Intelligence Grant Pilot Program
The Artificial Intelligence Grant Pilot Program aims to award grants to businesses to develop programs, materials, and curricula for teaching an artificial intelligence course to students. It will emphasize practical training and prepare students for career opportunities in technology.
The maximum award amount is $1 million.
Utah Economic Opportunity Tax Credit
The Utah Legislature created the Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (EDTIF) corporate incentive program in 2005. As the state’s economic needs evolve, the Legislature fine-tunes the EDTIF program to maintain Utah’s robust environment for economic development.
Industrial Assistance Account
The IAA is a post-performance grant for the creation of high-paying Utah jobs.
- Create new high-paying Utah jobs.
- At least 50 jobs in urban counties.
- At least 110% of urban county average wage, or 110% of rural county average wage.
- Obtain commitment from local government to provide local incentives.
- Demonstrate company stability and profitability.
- Demonstrate competition with other locations.
- Enter into an incentive agreement with the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, which specifies performance milestone.
Utah New Market Tax Credit
In 2014, the Utah Legislature enacted the Utah Small Business Jobs Act to attract additional investment in the most severely distressed areas of the state.
New Market Tax Credit programs are an effective tool used by the federal government and 13 states, including Utah, to attract private capital investment for areas in need of job growth and economic opportunities.
Technology & Life Science Tax Credit
During the 2016 general session, the Utah Legislature changed the Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act, giving the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity authority to issue tax credits to qualifying technology and life science investors.
Eligible investors may submit applications for tax credits drawn from $300,000 of funds set aside by the Legislature.
- Post-performance, non-refundable tax credit for up to 35% of the investment over three years.
- Up to 10% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership interest in the year the qualifying ownership interest is purchased.
- Up to 10% of the purchase price in the second year after the qualifying ownership interest is purchased.
- Up to 15% in the third year after the qualifying ownership interest is purchased.
- Tax credits for Utah life science entities capitalized under $2,500,000.
- An investor must invest at least $25,000 and not have more than a 30% ownership interest in the business entity at the time of investment.
- The investment may not be finalized before application and formal approval of the tax credit.
- No credit may exceed $350,000 in any year.
- Not permitted to carry forward or backward.
Industrial Development FAQs
You can find listings of available industrial property above, or you can view the Economic Development Dashboard for properties that are not currently listed but could be still purchased/leased.
Eagle Mountain City wants to attract companies that provide great economic opportunity for the community while also respecting our environment and needs as a community. If you think your project may be seen as a burden to the community in any way, please reach out so we can discuss your concerns and provide more specific feedback.
Turnaround times vary based on the type and scale of the development. However, Eagle Mountain City understands that swift and helpful responses can go a long way to keeping costs low and reducing headaches. Please contact Eagle Mountain City for suggestions to optimize submissions.
The City strives to keep fees as low as possible. Fees you can expect as part of your commercial development include Impact Fees, Permit Fees, a Business License Fee, and costs related to the acquisition of water shares. You can find more information by viewing the Consolidated Fee Schedule, or the Business Licensing page.
Eagle Mountain City has consistently remained one of the lowest-cost cities for utility rates. You can find the Utility Rates on our Utility Billing page.
If you are unsure where to begin, please contact our Economic Development Director at 801-789-6645 or Because every situation is different, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all plan we can provide.
For many years, Eagle Mountain had limited industrial development, but that is certainly changing now. Currently, there are limited second-generation buildings available for industrial use on the north end of SR-73, but there are anticipated developments that will bring new flex space options.
Keep it Simple
Let’s Get You Started
We know it can be costly to get tied up in endless negotiations, permits, and planning. Eagle Mountain City has worked hard to streamline processes and reduce barriers, ensuring development can happen at your pace.