UDOT begins construction on first freeway segment of Mountain View Corridor

Project will complete the missing section between 2100 North and Porter Rockwell Boulevard, connecting 39 miles of corridor in Utah and Salt Lake counties
LEHI, Utah (April 12, 2024) – Construction is underway to connect Mountain View Corridor (MVC) from 2100 North in Lehi to Porter Rockwell Boulevard in Herriman. This is the first of many MVC freeway segments to be constructed and will complete the missing section between Utah and Salt Lake counties. “When complete, this project will provide drivers in Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs better access to Salt Lake County,” MVC Project Director Andrew Jordan said.
The new freeway will have two travel lanes in each direction and a 12-foot-wide multiuse trail with seven grade-separated crossings. Construction is expected to last through early 2026.
“This project gets us one-step closer to fulfilling decades of planning to provide a fully functional freeway from SR-73 in Utah County to I-80 in Salt Lake County,” Jordan said.
Construction has started at the southern end of the project area. On April 17, southbound MVC traffic will shift to a temporary road for drivers traveling west of Redwood Road towards Saratoga Springs (see map). This shift will keep traffic moving while crews construct the MVC freeway ramps.
This approach minimizes impacts to the traveling public and enhances safety during construction. Drivers should slow down, use caution and follow the posted construction signs. This traffic shift is expected to be in place through late 2024. Current routes for vehicles, bikes and pedestrians can be found at mountainview.udot.utah.gov.
The public can get construction updates and the latest information on MVC by:
· Joining the Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/groups/mountainviewcorridor.
· Signing up for email updates at mountainview@utah.gov.
· Visiting mountainview.udot.utah.gov.
· Calling a project representative at 385-386-VIEW (8439).
For the latest information on traffic conditions, restrictions or patterns visit udottraffic.utah.gov or download the UDOT Traffic app.