Eagle Mountain businesses express optimism in 2024 business climate survey

In a recent survey of businesses in Eagle Mountain, positive trends for business investment remain intact.
The Eagle Mountain 2024 Business Climate Survey gathered responses from a range of businesses, shedding light on their experience, concerns and outlooks for their future in Eagle Mountain.
“We run this survey annually to stay on top of what the needs are of our local business owners/operators and to help eliminate barriers to starting or growing businesses in Eagle Mountain,” says Economic Development Director Evan Berrett.
Home-based businesses remain the bulk of enterprises in the community, constituting about 70% of respondents. The remaining 30% operated brick-and-mortar commercial establishments.
Commonalities for optimism and a desire for growth were noticed throughout the survey results.
One notable aspect is the expressed desire for business expansion, with a staggering 75% of businesses indicating their intention to grow. However, this ambition is tempered by challenges such as the rising costs of supplies, rent and difficulty hiring employees.
“We have all felt the pressures of the current economy on our personal lives,” says Berrett. “Businesses are experiencing these same pressures in their own way, making it tough to achieve their goals.”
Satisfaction with operating a business in Eagle Mountain is generally high, with 75% of respondents indicating satisfaction, or even very high satisfaction levels. However, concerns linger regarding affordability of leasing/rental space and regulatory hurdles.
Businesses stressed the importance of support from the City, with desires for grants, reduced taxes and fees, improved infrastructure, and advertising tools.
Despite facing certain challenges, businesses in Eagle Mountain maintain a positive outlook.
“It is exciting to see the amount of optimism in these responses, and the desire to do amazing things in Eagle Mountain,” says Berrett. “The City has come a long way in just the past 10 years, and we have so much more to look forward to.”
As the City continues to grow and evolve, businesses are optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead.
The survey results underscore the potential for future investment in the community.